The Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary have put together a raffle that has multiple prizes including a 7 night stay in Myrtle Beach in May. New expenses for them this year will be the creation of a School Pantry which replaced the Back Program. It will help to provide meals for some of our St. Ambrose students and maybe even the local community some day. This fundraiser will help us get this endeavor off the ground as well as providing the Ladies Auxiliary with the resources needed to expand their programs including the partial scholarship program.
Please take a chance to win one of these great prizes!
The Knights of Columbus is a global Catholic fraternal service formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. To learn more about this global brotherhood, click here.
By reflecting on the moral teachings of the Catholic church and upholding the core principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism, the members of the Ascension Council #15638 are committed to the serving the spiritual and material needs of those in need…with a special focus on our members, St.Ambrose Academy and the local parishes that we support.
Knights of Columbus Ascension Council #15638 was formed in 2013. Our council hosts a number of activities throughout the year. We provide our members with the chance to answer Pope Francis’s call to become Christ’s presence in the world. Our Grand Knight for 2019-2020is Stephen Palermo.. Our business meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, in Knights Room at St. James Church, at 7 pm. Rosary 6:30PM.
Click here to fill out an online registration form.
If you need help filling out the form or have more questions, you can reach out to the parish office at 585-288-5000 or [email protected].