

For on him the Father, God, has set his seal. (John 6:27)

At confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirm our baptismal promises. Greater awareness of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conferred through the anointing of chrism oil and the laying on of hands by the Bishop.
Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. (CCC 1316)

Preparation for Confirmation (Grades 8 & Up)

Confirmation brings to fullness that life in the Holy Spirit into which God’s sons and daughters were first initiated at Baptism.

When can my Baptized Catholic youth begin preparing for Confirmation?
  • Youth must already have received Baptism and First Eucharist within the Catholic faith;
  • Youth of parishioners preparing for Confirmation are to complete at least one full year of religious education at the middle school level (at the parish or Catholic School), be actively attending Mass, and be participating in their second consecutive year of religious education (at the parish or Catholic School);
  • Youth must be in eighth grade or later, with the ability to complete the two-year sacramental catechesis required of the Sacrament of Confirmation;
  • The family must be registered at Peace of Christ Parish.
Questions? Contact Luke Nolan, Catechetical Coordinator and Youth Minister (585)288-5000, ext. 121 or at [email protected]
Register for Confirmation Register for Upcoming Confrimation Retreats

Can Adults be Confirmed?

If you are an adult who is not a Roman Catholic, and if you are interested in more information about becoming a Roman Catholic, you should consider participating in our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA, formerly RCIA) program. Through this process, an adult is Baptized, Confirmed, and receives Eucharist in the Catholic Church.

Learn more about RCIA
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