New Paragraph
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM, St. James Church
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM, St. John the Evangelist Church
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM, St. Ambrose Church
The Sacrament of Penance is the ordinary means by which the faithful are restored to sanctifying grace after having fallen into post-baptismal grave sin. (Cf. CIC, c. 960). It is also a channel of particular graces which assists the faithful in avoiding sin in the future, overcoming habits of sin, and growing in the life of supernatural grace and virtue.
Children must first come to know and love Jesus at an age appropriate level. Children of parishioners preparing for First Penance are to complete one full year of religious education (at the parish or Catholic School), be actively attending Mass, and be participating in their second consecutive year of religious education (at the parish or Catholic School).
When can my Baptized Catholic child begin preparing for First Penance?
Children prepare for First Penance in the fall by attending workshops at the parish as well as exploring the sacrament at home with their parents. Parents will be given all the necessary resources and support. Age appropriate texts and materials will be provided.
Questions? Contact Luke Nolan, Catechetical Coordinator and Youth Minister (585)288-5000, ext. 121 or at [email protected]