The Ladies Auxiliary was formed in May 2013. We have a vibrant membership and are open to women of all ages. We offer many different types of activities sure to please our members and parish. The Ladies Auxiliary meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Our meetings are held on the second floor of old St. James School (elevator accessibility).
The mission of the Peace of Christ Ladies Auxiliary is to inspire a strong and enduring bond among members in the promotion of spiritual, charitable and social events. Further, we support the parish community and school as well as the Knights of Columbus Ascension Council projects.
To date we have organized and held our annual Chili Cook Off, the Suzanna Young’s Memorial Scholarship and with the support of the Knights of Columbus the annual St. Patrick’s dinner. We have further participated in many parish opportunities to assist with retirement celebrations, the memorial service for the homeless and other events organized by St. Ambrose Academy and/or The Knights of Columbus.
For more information or to connect with the current Ladies Auxiliary President, contact Stella Nozzi at 585-259-7393 or email the Parish Office at [email protected].