City East Transportation services is an independent 501(c)3 ministry that works with St. Frances Cabrini and Peace of Christ Parishes.
The ministry provides free transportation for members who are unable to drive to medical/dental appointments, pharmacy, physical therapy, dialysis, grocery shopping and banking. Drivers are also willing to pick up groceries or prescriptions for members. (No Wheel Chair Service)
Members are allowed one 2-way trip or 2 one-way trips/person/week. Parking fees are the responsibility of the rider.
All drivers are volunteers who have been screened and trained by Lifespan. Riders must be able to walk with minimal assistance from the driver (no wheelchairs) and live in a home or apartment, as opposed to a nursing care facility.
To schedule a ride, call 585-266-6570 at least 5 days in advance of your appointment. Please clearly state your name, address, phone number, and details about the appointment. Donations are appreciated.