At the end of October and the beginning of November, parishioners begin answering these questions. After connecting with approximately 60 of our parishioners, we thought now was the right time to share some of our preliminary findings with our community and make a call to action for even more participation in this important process.
Based on our engagement with the community so far, we believe there are three consistent themes from our parish on what gives us all spiritual meaning and growth:
Reverence: the high importance the parish places on God, a faithful and plentiful presentation of the Sacraments, and our religious growth (through Bible study, supporting the adoration chapel, our faith formation programs, St. Ambrose Academy, accessibility of
our priests, participation in the liturgy as lectors, sacristans, altar servers, and a general
maintenance of reverent music and worship)
Service: our commitment to serving the community both inside the parish and outside of it (through food pantry services, clothing donations, Walking with Moms in need, ministry to nursing homes and the elderly, our Day of Caring, our presence at the North Winton Village
Art Festival, blood drives, etc.)
Family & Community: the way in which we maintain a strong community that feels like a family who cares for one another (prayers for each other, actively reaching out to new members of the Parish, helping our members who are ill or bereaved, maintaining regular social events for our community, our Converge and Elevate programs, enhanced communication and prayer networks between our people, sharing meals and table fellowships, etc.)
We are very excited to see these themes emerge, but we still want to hear from more parishioners. We would love to hear from at least 25% of our 680 registered parish households. Greater participation will ensure an accurate and impactful vision for our parish.
We would appreciate all who are willing to respond to these questions and share them with the parish office OR members of the Plan Development Team (email contacts can be found listed in the document linked here.)
6:30 AM , St. James Church
12:10 PM, St. Ambrose Church
7:00 PM, St. John the Evangelist Church
Join us for Perpetual Adoration at the former St. James' Convent Chapel (123 Whittington Road, Irondequiot, NY 14609)!
To sign up for a time slot or to be added to our substitute list, complete our online form, contact the parish office at 585-288-5000, or email [email protected].